Join Me at an Upcoming Public Event

Holistic Wellbeing During Menopause​
Tues. June 4, 2024, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Arlington High School
869 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, MA
Begin an enlightening journey towards enhanced health and well-being during menopause. Dive into a 360-degree approach, emphasizing diet, nervous system regulation (stress management), exercise, and hydration. Learn how these factors can positively impact menopause symptoms, including skin health, bone density, digestion, nutrient absorption, and sleep quality. Discover strategies to alleviate joint pain, anxiety, and address decreased libido. Empower yourself with practical insights and lifestyle adjustments to navigate this transformative phase of life with resilience and vitality.
Book a Workshop or Series for Your Business or Organization
Unlock the potential for a healthier, more vibrant workforce with Holli Bassin, a Certified Health Coach with years of experiece. By booking a workshop with her, your organization can empower employees with invaluable insights on improving overall health, understanding food sensitivities, and managing stress effectively. Investing in employee well-being not only enhances productivity but also fosters a culture of care and vitality within your company. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier workplace. Contact me to Schedule a workshop today.

Tap Away Stress
Harness the healing power of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to conquer stress, anxiety, and fear. EFT is a drug- and pain-free, non-invasive method that provides emotional renewal quickly and safely, without side effects! It involves tapping your body's pressure points to alleviate stress. A simple technique that has been around for over 5,000 years and anyone can learn to do it.
Learn this technique to apply it to yourself whenever and wherever you want for relief from your stress.
EFT gently and easily releases negative emotions causing problems and pain. You will benefit from this new discovery that combines two well-established practices, including mind/body medicine and acupuncture (without needles). Experience emotional freedom using your own fingertips and discover how your life can be changed for the better!

Grub and Guts
Learn about eating well for optimal intestinal health and a happier, healthier microbiome. Discover what the microbiome is, how a nutritious way of eating can support it and how certain foods may make it more toxic. The program will go over the Leaky Gut, the Standard American Diet and how gluten affects our health, and other diet related topics. You will walk away with strategies that can enhance your digestive health.
Immune System Boost Workshop
Learn some healthy strategies and how to create positive sustainable choices. We will also talk about how the connection between your diet, lifestyle, and environment can be a basis for long term good health. And how certain nutrients need to be replete to boost your immune system.

Food Allergy vs. Sensitivity Workshop
Learn how leaky gut and food sensitivities can cause an inflammatory cascade within your body. Find out the downstream effects of these inflammatory cascades and how they can cause other issues. Discover symptoms that you might not suspect are a result of these sensitivities and why it might be beneficial to test for food sensitivities. We will also discuss why adding or subtracting foods from your diet might be helpful in both resolving your symptoms and preventing other symptoms from occurring.

Functional Medicine and the Root Causes of Disease​
The average American isn’t particularly good at taking care of themselves. Currently, 2 out of 3 Americans are considered to be overweight or obese. Only 1 in 3 adults gets the recommended amount of daily exercise.
And every year, 600 000 Americans die of heart disease.
Part of this problem has to do with our busy lifestyles, less than optimal environments, and a culture opposed to rest and relaxation.
In this class, Holli will take you through the process of thinking differently about "WHY" you may be feeling unwell or having annoying unwanted symptoms. She will help you identify "root causes of disease" and give you practical everyday solutions to help you heal.

What is it about Wheat and Gluten?
Making dietary changes can be difficult, which is why having support can be so beneficial. There are many reasons people choose to go gluten-free, the most common being to manage celiac disease, to reduce symptoms of gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy.
In this workshop, we will discuss the difference between celiac, gluten sensitivity and wheat allergy. We'll discuss what gluten is, the benefits of a gluten free diet, why the term 'gluten free' has been popping up everywhere these days, how you can reduce it and eventually avoid it in your own diet. We'll also talk about gluten free labels, flours, food swaps and why grain free is another option.
This workshop will help you feel encouraged to think positively and proactively about your health so you can take ownership of your life.

The Seductive Art of Chocolate Tasting
Are you aware of how dark organic chocolate may improve libido and provide other important health benefits? Learn why you should love dark organic chocolate and then learn how! You will learn the basics of chocolate processing, the history behind this age-old food, the importance of quality in our foods, and then you can experience the proper way to taste chocolate for yourself. This is like a wine tasting, only with chocolate! Learn how to enjoy the food you love, and as a result live a happier healthier life!
Materials: dark organic chocolate and other food in between to clean your palate.

Food Allergy vs. Sensitivity Workshop
Learn how leaky gut and food sensitivities can cause an inflammatory cascade within your body. Find out the downstream effects of these inflammatory cascades and how they can cause other issues. Discover symptoms that you might not suspect are a result of these sensitivities and why it might be beneficial to test for food sensitivities. We will also discuss why adding or subtracting foods from your diet might be helpful in both resolving your symptoms and preventing other symptoms from occurring.

Your Healthiest You - a Holistic Approach​
Reverse the root causes of dis-ease using education, nutrition and holistic intervention.
This has been proven to increase focus, improve energy levels and better sleep patterns and reverse chronic health issues. It also helps to decrease food cravings, manage stress, and maintain a healthy balance in all areas of life.

Raw and Living Foods
Proper nutrition is essential for good health. However, just choosing to eat nutritious foods may not be enough as it is important to also pay attention to how these foods are prepared. For example, the cooking of food can alter, and often destroy, the nutrients before we have the chance to ingest, absorb, or use any for our own bodies. Luckily, adopting a raw and living foods lifestyle avoids this crucial loss of nutrients and amplifies your health!
Learn how to discover how feasible and beneficial it is to ditch the heat and begin embracing the raw and living foods lifestyle! During this class, you will learn the disadvantages of cooking food and about yummy raw alternatives and ways to adopt this new surge of nutrition into your daily life.

How (and Why) to Ditch Dairy
Do you intuitively feel like dairy may be a trigger for you even though you have perfectly "normal" test results? Have you had symptoms such as: asthma, seasonal allergies, chronic sinus or respiratory infections, hormone imbalances, chronically loose stool, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
In this workshop, you will learn how dairy can contribute to your inflammation, why dairy can be a common food sensitivity, why you might benefit from 100% elimination and how to do it the right way. You will also get tips on how to cook delicious dairy free recipes. Discover how your life can be changed for the better!

Planning a Garden and Cooking with Herbs ​
If you’re ready to learn and want to experiment with your green thumb potential, you don’t want to miss this interactive class on Planning a Garden and Cooking with Herbs!
Join Cindi Jacobs as she shares her expertise of planning an herb garden. Learn the basics of her gardening practices and how you can personally benefit. I'll also share tips for cooking with herbs and how they are an important part of your health journey.

Less Stress & Better Digest Workshop ​​
If you didn't live in your body, where would you live?
Everyone has stress. When we release stress, we allow the digestive juices to flow which ultimately improves your overall health and wellness. Now is the perfect time to focus on self-care. Learn everyday tools for wellness support. Use the power of breath to reduce stress, optimize eating hygiene, digestion and energy to set up healthy mind and body synergy.
This workshop is co-facilitated by Master Reiki, yoga teacher and breath-work facilitator Susan Clark, and our very own Functional Medicine Health Coach Holli Bassin.

Now available on Amazon!
Click Here to Download a sneak preview of the 1st Few Chapters.
Author Central page on Amazon!
"5.0 out of 5 stars Great resource for healthy alternatives for food allergies and food sensitivities"
Joan Zietlow
This book has been the culmination of my life’s work and I’m so proud to share it with you!